SBP certification

What is SBP (Sustainable Biomass Program) certification?

SBP (Sustainable Biomass Program) is a certification scheme that aims to ensure that the production and use of biomass, in particular wood pellets and wood chips, is sustainable, transparent and meets international sustainability requirements.
Why choose us

Our advantages


We can help you with technical questions and explain the process clearly.


Our auditors have been thoroughly trained about the standards and have extensive audit experience in the related sector.


We provide a competent and high-quality service, making the certification process streamlined and efficient.

Why the SBP certification scheme?

SBP certification is an important tool for wood energy producers and consumers, ensuring that they use biomass that meets international sustainability standards and contributes to climate change mitigation.

The main aspects of SBP certification are:

  1. Sustainability: This includes sustainable forest management, including responsible logging and renewable biomass production.
  2. Traceability: SBP ensures transparency throughout the supply chain, from the forest or production site to the final consumer. It helps to verify that biomass comes from sustainable sources.
  3. Social and environmental impact assessment: SBP certification also includes an assessment of whether biomass production complies with the local laws, respects local communities and helps to avoid negative social and environmental impacts.
  4. Compliance with legislation: SBP certification is in line with the sustainability requirements of the EU Renewable Energy Directive (RED II) and other international legislative frameworks.

Certification process

The SBP system is made up of different standards that may apply depending on your activities and the logic of biomass storage:


SBP Standard 1

Feedstock Compliance – specifies requirements for the sustainable sourcing of biomass.


SBP Standard 2

Feedstock Verification – specifies the requirements for defining the feedstock supply area, risk assessment and risk mitigation.


SBP Standard 3

Requirements for Certification Bodies – sets out requirements for certification bodies.


SBP Standard 4

Chain of Custody – addresses requirements for traceability and transparency of the biomass supply chain (including volume control).


SBP Standard 5

Collection and Communication of Data – focuses on the collection and communication of data related to energy production and biomass processing.


SBP Standard 6

Energy and Carbon Balance Calculation – used for calculating greenhouse gas emissions and determining energy efficiency.

To understand what standards and the resulting processes are required for certification, it is important to understand exactly what you do (are you a biomass stocker, pellet producer, energy producer, etc.) and what your supply area is.

How can we help you?

Are your customers asking for SBP certified products, do you have a question about the SBP certification scheme or would you like a quote? Feel free to contact us, we will be happy to help you.